Designing codes when no channel
information is available.
The above strategy requires the receiver node to know all the
channel paths involved in the communication process. This
assumption may not be realistic. In
F. Oggier, B. Hassibi.
"A Coding Strategy for Wireless Networks with no Channel
Information",[.pdf], Allerton 2006.
a strategy is proposed to code over a wireless network with no
channel knowledge. More precisely, the relay nodes operate without
knowing the fadings that affected their received signal, and the
receiver decodes knowing none of the channel paths.
This strategy has been generalized to multiple antennas in
F. Oggier, B. Hassibi.
"A Coding Scheme for Wireless Networks with multiple antenna
nodes and no Channel Informations",[.pdf], ICASSP 2007.
The proof of the generalization, as well as further results are
presented in
F. Oggier, B. Hassibi.
"Cyclic Distributed Space-Time Codes for Wireless Networks
with no Channel Information",[.pdf],
submitted, March 2007.