The Ramanujan Periodicity Project

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Software: The Ramanujan Filter Bank

This page contains Matlab implementation of the Ramanujan Filter Bank (RFB), introduced in [7] and [10]. The RFB filters have integer coefficients, and directly produce time vs period plots for signals whose periodic nature changes with time. This includes signals that are periodic only for a short duration and signals such as chirps.

Matlab code for the RFB

Click here to download the Matlab code. Please read the README_RFB.txt file for instructions.

An Example

Block Diagram of the Ramanujan
Filter Bank. The filters have integer
coefficients. [View Larger]

Time vs Period Plane using the RFB.
(Top) A signal with localized periodicity.
(Bottom) Time vs period plane. [View Larger]

Maintained by Srikanth Tenneti
- last update: July.2016 -